The Benefits of Solar Panels

As we explore more sustainable ways to live to reduce our carbon footprint and the harm we cause the environment, the home is a wonderful place to start. Certain measures, like installing smart-home tech or EV charging, are one-time additions that then seamlessly incorporate into your every day, meaning that by just existing, you’re doing your part in practicing greener living. In this blog, we’re exploring the benefits of installing solar panels on your home, leading to lower electricity usage and bills, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and more.

Reducing the harmful effects of our energy consumption is all about finding better, renewable sources of energy. It takes plenty of power to keep a household running—think of all of the lights, televisions, sound systems, and more that we use throughout the day. That energy must come from somewhere, so why not tap into the most powerful source at our disposal: the sun?

If you’re concerned about the practicality of solar panels in our rainy PNW climate, fear not. Even on rainy days, solar panels will still generate energy from indirect sunlight, although less so than on sunny days with minimal cloud coverage. A solar battery stores excess energy that you don’t end up completely using on particularly sunny days so that you can still power your home on cloudy days or during the evenings after the sun has set. These ensure that surplus solar power does not go to waste.

Once you have taken care of the upfront fee of having your solar panels installed, they’ll begin to save you money as you cut down on the electricity you use from the grid as your solar panels power your household. As many homeowners see their energy bills climbing higher year after year, the fact that there are actions we can take to cut down the significant cost and do our part in creating a greener future is a welcome relief. In addition to savings received as you reside in the home, you’ll also see a return when/if you decide to sell it as solar panels boost the resale value of a home, offering homebuyers a solar-ready residence so they can save on the money and time it takes to install them after move-in.

You can factor maintenance costs into your budget as panels should be cleaned yearly to keep them operating at their maximum efficiency. Some homeowners take a DIY route and handle the cleaning task themselves as all you’ll need is water and a mild soap. They’re manufactured to weather the elements, so no need to worry about them getting wet or snowed on either.

Solar panels are an excellent way to significantly cut down on greenhouse gas emissions produced when we depend on fossil fuels as our primary source. They also pay homeowners back in the long run with reduced energy bills and resale value. I’d love to know your thoughts on solar panels or other renewable energy sources, so please reach out!


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