Tacoma’s Climate Action Plan

Tacoma's Climate Action Plan: A Vision Backed by Tangible Commitments

As a sustainability expert and real estate pro/investor who's always excited about potential, Tacoma's Climate Action Plan has sparked my enthusiasm.

Before I dive in too deep, let me give you some background information…In December 2019, the Tacoma City Council passed Resolution No. 40509, “declaring a climate emergency in Tacoma and calling for a transformative climate action plan to reduce community greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapt to climate impacts [the city]can no longer avoid.”

This roadmap doesn’t merely respond to climate change - it creates an ambitious vision of a vibrant, equitable, and resilient city ready to thrive amidst these global challenges.

One of the aspects that elevate this plan is its financial backing. Tacoma has allocated significant funding within its 2023-2024 budget toward the many essential actions outlined in the plan. While the current funds don’t cover all aspects, they represent a promising start!

Moreover, the city has demonstrated its prowess in securing grants, having received over $40 million since 2020. Tacoma hopes to double this figure in the next three years, furthering the momentum for transformative climate action.

On a larger scale, recent changes in Washington state laws, such as the Climate Commitment Act and Low Carbon Fuel Standard, effective since January 1, 2023, promise unprecedented funding for climate justice investments across the state. At the federal level, the Inflation Reduction Act is set to make over $329 billion available for a green economy transition.

These legislative changes ensure Tacoma's Climate Action Plan isn't just an ambitious goal, but one backed by significant financial commitments. As an investor, these developments serve as a positive sign that Tacoma can turn its visionary plan into reality, and I am thrilled to be a part of it all!

By 2030 and beyond, Tacoma aims to build an inclusive society that directly benefits from climate action. This vision, which positions the city as a beacon of resilience, is chief among the reasons I'm thrilled to have recently purchased an office building there.

I invite fellow residents, business owners, and investors to join me in supporting Tacoma's Climate Action Plan. Together, we can make this vision a reality and make Tacoma a model for sustainable urban living. Let's invest in a brighter, equitable, and sustainable future for all Tacoma residents and visitors!


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